How to Unsend an Email in Outlook | [2023]
In today's fast-paced digital world, sending emails has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. However, we've all experienced that sinking feeling when we realize we've sent an email prematurely or to the wrong recipient. Thankfully, Microsoft Outlook offers a lifeline in the form of an "unsend" feature. In this article, we will guide you through the process of retracting an email in Outlook, allowing you to rectify your mistakes and maintain your professional image. 1. Enable the "Undo Send" feature Before you can unsend an email in Outlook , you must first ensure that the "Undo Send" feature is enabled. Follow these steps to activate it: Open Outlook and navigate to the "File" tab. Click on "Options" and select "Mail" from the left-hand menu. Scroll down to the "Send messages" section. Check the box next to "Undo Send" and set the desired time limit for email recall ...